Saturday 10 May 2014


Eveyone asks me,"Why do you create a new blog everytime?",answer is..umm..i like refreshment,Whatever,My red nail polished fingers started to blog after a gap,not an issue, junior,a smart girl srujana,she asked to share my feeling over graduation(okay,engineering,i mentioned it,abb ego hurt ny honge :p kisike),she wanted me to write a blog ,but i was skipping due to my lazyness or whatever,But an incident that i came across today made me to write this blogl-The Incident was:I and my dad were at a supermarket,there came this uncleji with countable hair strands on his head :p ;) along with his son who ran into us.The question came up,"what's your daughter is upto?",a simple answer came from my dad,"nothing-gave her final exams :)" and even without asking,uncleji gave us information about his giraffe son :p who smiled within himself looking into his mobile once in a while(bhagwan jaaney baat kya h :p ;)),"He too completed his exams and finally a graduate:)"-all smiles!.Immediately the expected question,"Did hema get placed?my son got placed in Amazon!(did v ask him:p,hahaha,acceptable-it's a syndrome faced by parents when their children get palced ;)".And my cool dad answered-"Ha Yes!".uncleji:"So she's also a successful graduate :)".We came out of the supermarket,and his dad went to get his 4-wheeler from the parking slot and me and my dad were there looking for golgappe ;).We saw an old lady with a huge bag of groceries in her hand finding it difficult to get down from the stairs.She made a call to this son ji,"Beta,if u don't mind,could you please carry this bag for me and place it in my car,my driver is not here yet".Son ji looked at her as if she asked him to buy the supermarket for him.The answer from this son ji:"What??me??hello aunty,i donno your name,sorry am not a worker of this supermarket ha?and why the hell did u climb these stairs when you know that you can't come down?(busy in chating in his smartphone)How silly and how these people ask such sense less help when some one is in a hurry?"(hurry?wat hurry idiot?chatting?gaming?).

I and my dad were shocked,immediately my dad went and took the bags from her and helped her to get near her car and then the car came with his father in it and i couldn't stop myself from saying a oneliner on this In-a-hurry son,as he was getting into the car,i called his name out,got to him,"Hello Mr.Graduate,how silly and senseless you are?The HR of Amazon could have been here,god know's how u graduated with so much of ignorance".Son ji was confused,some how got into the car,am sure his father could have quizzed him regarding what i talked and son ji would have thought and understood what i meant.I don't know whether am right or wrong,but i really felt that the degree he got is of no use.

This made me feel that ,Are students really graduating?what the hell are we learning in 4 long years?quarelling?gossiping?enmeitiy?stupidity?arrogance?ignorance?dishonoring?meaning less thinking?arguing?insulting?mindless planning?Actually what...wah..what??graduation is part of a life which will help us to gain maturity,which enhances our ideology,which makes to think deep,to understand things in a more positive and appropriate manner.I have few things that i would like to share,so that all of truly can be called as graduates.

-First and foremost thing is,to believe in ourselves and  getting rid of fear.Do believe in your thoughts,in your ideology,do share things and stuff with your friends and faculty which is a positive habit,it means that you are ready to invite suggestions and reviews.
-this word 'FRIEND',seriously,makes me alert.Never limit yourself in talking or doing stuff with 2 or 3 special buddies of you,and don't make yourself a part of sum group in your class.Come on,there are so many wonderful and awesome people around you,identify them,speak out,be friendly with people around you,try to explore,and find goodness in everyone.If you are not doing this,you are gonna miss some beautiful people and friends in your graduation.
-Never under-estimate your class mates and never insult them for what they are.At the end of the day,no one is perfect in this world.And if at all it's perfect,why would god have created us?
-Whatever may be the work assigned to you,do it with love.Even if you hate a subject,read it with love(Imagine your favourite actor/actress in every page ;),believe me it works ;)).
-'Dignity of labour' is one thing that has to be kept in mind.No matter what you are,beauty lies in being obedient and down to earth :)
-For god sake,don'keep on gossiping about some one's life,they are not celebs yaar,after all,they are your friends.And it doesn't bring you anything except self-disturbance :p.
-Don't get into sense less relationships,i mean don't keep on pouring saliva over every other girl/boy,that would mess up your 4 long years,if the person doesn't turn out to be a right one.So wait till you find its high time to express yourself to some one,till then just see n enjoy ;)
-Don't let the humanity (which is the main thing) die in you.Little bit of social responsibility tho banta he na.Never turn into an "escapist",this kind of attitude will abolish everything.
-Dare to speak out,and identify those extra talents hidden in you,(who knows ,your passion for photography can make you world's best photographer?).If you feel like dancing on the dias,go...get on n start dancing :)
-Accept failures but don't get habituated to them.Start finding opportunities instead of finding obstacles.
-Never expect everyone to be like you and never feel low about what you are.
-Do plan and set priorities(you need to have clear idea about your priorities).

I don't say that "This is it",but i think these are the minimum qualities that we need to imbibe in our graduation,which helps in being a good human being.Getting placed or getting a great gpa's,grades or what ever simply doesn't completely mean we are successful and graduates.These are only a part to state that we are graduates.But the true meaning of education and graduating lies in understanding the simple means and having maturity in dealing things,situations and people.So, before we call ourselves as graduates,let's question our capabilities :) and morale.

Gyann bahut hogaya na :0,hahaha...Chill,thanks for reading and stay happy,and really suits you :) :D

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